Real world data quality problems may involve many millions of records,and may require fuzzy matching of fields whose values (such as names) may only approximately agree. Fuzzy matching over large data sets (as needed, for instance, to match or de-duplicate patient records) is a hard computational problem, and at this stage many data quality tools run out of steam - and cannot process the required numbers of records in the required times.
SmartSearch overcomes these limitations as it is able to scan many millions of records and find fuzzy matches. Flexible query strategies can be defined, to support the assessment and resolution of data quality problems up to regional or national levels.
Some data quality issues can only be detected and corrected using approximate (‘fuzzy’) data matching – for instance to detect matches in the presence of spelling variations. This can be computationally very expensive when there are large numbers of records. Smart Search can carry out fast fuzzy or Bayesian matching across millions of records – making the necessary data quality searches possible.
With increasing integration between healthcare applications in England and Wales, high NHS number coverage in applications is needed for efficiency and patient safety. NovaMap Health has partnered with CareMotive to use their Spine Mini Services Provider for this purpose. Using SmartSearch to perform NHS Number lookups is the most cost-effective way to get high NHS number coverage, without expensive manual effort. There are several reasons for doing so:
Other available mechanisms for NHS number lookup require high input data quality. Even small errors or variants in the 5 key demographics fields, such as patient name variants, result in failed searches. Correcting these involves expensive manual retries or data cleansing - costing many minutes or even hours per patient. Many providers cannot afford to do this. So their healthcare applications still have NHS number coverage levels of 80% or less.
If the first search fails, SmartSearch uses an Intelligent Automatic Retry strategy. - auto-correcting spelling errors and variants, and using wildcards. Then SmartSearch uses advanced data quality techniques to check the quality of each match. This typically raises success rates from below 70% to around 95% - without any added manual effort. These results have been proven with several Local Authority social care departments.
So either in batch mode or interactive mode, you can use SmartSearch to rapidly boost your NHS number coverage to high levels, and keep it there.