NovaMap Health's mission is to develop the very best tools to support the adoption of HL7 FHIR, the new global standard for exchanging healthcare data. Our tools tackle the most complex FHIR integration challenges.Poor integration of healthcare IT systems blights lives by poorer health outcomes. The best way forward to improve healthcare integration rests with HL7 FHIR - but the cost and difficulty of building FHIR interfaces is often underestimated. Our tools make that process more reliable and cost-effective.
We develop and sell a suite of integration and data quality tools to support the transition to using HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Information Resources), the new global standard for health data transfer.
Transforms FHIR to and from numerous other data formats including HL7v2, CDA, relational databases, and proprietary JSON or XML.
Supports SQL-like queries across diverse data sources, for business intelligence and data quality
Fast matching and de-duplication of large datasets, to tackle quality issues. Typically used to match health resources that have poorer quality demographics to a gold standard, such as a regional Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI).
Our founders have extensive healthcare interoperability experience ranging across numerous standards and regions.
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